SAFEGUARDING: A Friendly and Safe Environment for Our Students and Staff.

If you are a student at Vocate Training and need to talk to someone about a safeguarding issue, please contact our trained team on the details below. By doing this, we can deal with the concern quickly and effectively. In addition, you will get the support required for yourself and anyone else involved.

Safeguarding is the action we take to promote people’s well-being and keep them safe.

A safeguarding concern is anything that may cause worry about another person or contribute to a person feeling uncomfortable or unsure about the safety or welfare of someone else or themselves. This includes indications of potential radicalisation and expressions of extremist views.

So, if a concern arises about you or someone else, your trainer must first share that information with our safeguarding team. Secondly, depending on the nature of the situation, your details might be shared with an external organisation to get help for you or someone else. Anything relating to a safeguarding concern should not be kept private.

Vocate Training Centre care more than just about their learning.

We care about their well-being, not just the delivery of their qualifications. We ensure our apprentices are safe at work and throughout their entire training journey.

Contact details:

Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 

James Brooklyn 

Mobile: 07879 860578 


Deputy Safeguarding and Prevent Lead

Andrew Markwell

Mobile: 07823 777371


Safeguarding Documents (For Download)

Safeguarding Policy